Sunday, October 25, 2009

National Staff Conference

In 3 hours me and Ariel are leaving to Phoenix to catch a plane to Florida for our national collegiate staff conference which happens every two years.  We’re pretty tired going into this, but excited nonetheless.  The last staff conference we went to with just our region was an extremely refreshing time filled with a ton of great training that left both Ariel and I super encouraged to return to campus.  We’re praying this will do the same.

Jerry Bridges and some other famous authors will be there giving us some talks.  I’m attending a workshop by him on how to be an effective teacher. Ariel is attending one on how to make the house a place of hospitality. In addition to a couple of other workshops we’ll get to see some of our close friends from around the US.  We’re stoked. We’ll be returning to campus Nov 3rd, where upon I’ll be furiously cramming to give me first NavNite talk (which is also my first time ever pubic speaking to a group of more than 10 people. It will be more like 120.) :/

1 comment:

  1. I believe God will speak to you this week and clearly show you what to share at NavNite. His love will permeate you and you'll deliver just what the students need that night. Will be praying that you experience His peace Friday night beyond your understanding.
